Sonu Sharma

With an undergrad degree in B.Tech and a master‘s degree in social work, I currently work at Koshish Foundation. When I was younger, I wanted to be a teacher, but as an adult I took up a career in software development; but I realized soon that that wasn’t my true calling either. I switched careers and started to work with companies like Dr. Reddy’s Foundation, Sadhna-Seva Mandir, and Women ITI. I was also naturally inclined towards volunteering to help less privileged and that’s when I decided to associate with Koshish Foundation.

At Koshish Foundation we try and solve some problems with innovative programs like:

*Free summer camp for street children

*One day meal for deaf and dumb children

*Blood donation camp

*Awareness Camp

*Free stitching centers for women

*Skill development training

Today, koshish foundation has been able create livelihood means and jobs for many women. Our successes with these programs have provided many women with their first jobs and the unprecedented ability to add to and often be the only source of family income. However, we do understand that despite this progress there are still tremendous unrealized opportunities to create sustainable economic and entrepreneurship among youth and women in rural, tribal and urban belts.